Thy Majestie Thy Majestie - The Pride Of Housecarl

Magna totius exercitus perturbatio facta est
Cum sagitta necavit regem
Terror et mora cruciaverunt milites
The rout resounded around the hill
When the last troops laid down their arms

Post septem horas proelii rex angliae imploravit caelum

"with the arrival of nightfall i could gather my men and wait
For reinforcements. blessed god, heed my hopes!"

Sed william non distulit et impetum in hostem fecit in ora tarda

Ivo of ponthieu:
"i'll take his life" he said to king
"and this sacrifice will be my honest gift to thy kingdom"

Like a rumble of thunder the knights
Broke out through the shield-wall

Steel rang out like evil bells
Across the land

Sir william is still alive, he shows his face
Raising proud his helmet to the sky

A rumor spread along the ranks
About sir william's sudden death,
The panic blew away when he showed his face
And the time has come to annihilate thy troops
Arrows falling down
On the saxon lines

Sir william is still alive, he shows his face
Raising proud his helmet to the sky

Harold's dead, his body now lies
After he's got by an arrow in his eye

Harold dies, harold the king,
Leaving the green fields of anglia at the mercy of fate

Ultimus incursus fuit certus et cruentus

Saxon line was broken down,
All that was left were the housecarls
Showin' their bravery

Rex animam efflavit

The bloody housecarls with their warrior pride
Are showin' their worth
They're keepin' up the last fight

Standing all around the corpse of majestie
Fighting proud until the last man dies

Harold's dead, his body now lies
After he's got by an arrow in his eye

Harold dies, harold the king,
Leaving the green fields of anglia at the mercy of fate